Use Custom Crates To Ship Manufactured Goods

Shipping a line of manufactured goods to some of your top buyers may necessitate the use of some custom shipping crates. Crates that are constructed of wood and that contain custom features will showcase your business and provide support while the goods are in transit.

Dimensions, Paint, And Stencils

Crates are typically square or rectangular-shaped. Your shipper can provide you with a pricing list that corresponds to various shipping crate dimensions and weights. Crates are sturdy and can be repurposed. They are suitable for shipping goods that need to be transported long distances or that are going to contain delicate or expensive manufactured goods.

Unlike a standard cardboard carton, a shipping crate will not flatten or become crushed when excessive weight is placed on it. Some manufacturers of crates offer custom containers. Wooden crates will support a painted or stenciled field. Order crates that contain paint colors that match the colors often used to represent your business or select a stenciled picture that represents your product line. You can also add stenciled lettering if you would like each recipient to have access to your contact information when their crated goods arrive.

Metal Pieces, Shelving, And Safety Latches

Metal pieces can be used to highlight the corners, top, or bottom of a crate. Metal borders and trim pieces may complement the color of each crate that you purchase. Tools will be used to secure metal components to whichever part of a crate that you would like to accent. Shelving can be secured to the inside of a crate. Shelving that contains/does not contain a cover will keep products organized while they are in transit.

If you choose a foam or rubber inlay for each custom crate, products can be set on top of the material that you have selected. Shelves will allow you to separate items by size or category. When a customer receives their shipment and opens up their crate, they may be impressed by how neatly everything has been arranged. If you choose to purchase custom crates that contain built-in shelves and covers, you can enclose a packing slip inside one of the compartments.

Latches are a safety feature that can be used to secure products that are of high value. If you will be shipping items that are of substantial value, order crates that contain safety latches. The latches will further protect a crate from opening while it is being transported.
